A minha amiga Sara Trindade (fã do mundo das marionetas) presenteou-me com um vídeo de excelência.
Trata-se do trailler de 'War Horse', uma peça de teatro com actores e marionetas em tamanho real. As marionetas são cavalos nem tamanho real que são manipulados pelo seu interior e exterior.
Foram 6 anos de trabalho de pesquisa, produção e ensaios até à estreia.
O New London Theatre merece uma grande vénia minha.
War Horse|New London Theatre
War Horse is a powerfully moving and imaginative drama, filled with stirring music and songs – a show of phenomenal inventiveness. Based on the much-loved novel by Michael Morpurgo, at its heart are astonishing life-sized puppets created by South Africa’s Handspring Puppet Company, who bring breathing, galloping, charging horses to life on the stage.
War Horse opened at the National Theatre on London’s South Bank in autumn 2007. It quickly became an overnight sensation and, every ticket having been sold for its first run, returned to the National the next autumn. Having concluded its spectacularly successful second run, the production transferred to the New London Theatre in the West End, where it has been playing to packed houses ever since. The show is currently booking into 2012.
enviado por Rui Sousa
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